GDCTA Recognized
GDCTA is now using Horse Show Office ( for online entries for this show and all the others!
Prize List
Closing Date (In Secretary’s hand) – April 4th
Kelly Burns, L Grad, GA
Erin McCloud, L Grad, GA
Marian Bickers, L Grad w/Dist, GA
Janice Mumford, L Grad, GA,
Jack Flowers, GA, (JUMPING) Show Pass
Thank You to Our Gold Sponsors
- Atlanta Saddlery
- Joel Bailey
Members: The show is recognized by the Georgia Dressage and Combined Training
Association. All rides are Double Points toward year end awards. This counts as 2 separate shows. This means if you show in 1 CT class per day, you will get 4 CT scores. If you show in 2 dressage classes per day, you will get 8 scores. You can possibly qualify in one weekend for year-end awards!
Also, volunteers are needed!! Contact Caren if you want to volunteer (and earn hours toward the Liz Faso Memorial Volunteer of the Year Program
For entry, sponsorship, advertising or vendor, and volunteer questions, register or contact:
Caren Caverly
EVEN Hotel Alpharetta (Avalon area)
2715 Old Milton Parkway
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Phone: 770-869-2546
GDCTA link: (“Social Factor” rate: special 15% off for those booking for GDCTA events)
1) Team Challenge
Teams can be made of any number (minimum of 2) of riders doing any level. Percentage scores will be added together and averaged to determine a total team score used for placing. CT dressage scores will be converted to dressage percentages. Trophy to the winning team!
This is for all you families, instructors, and riders out there who would love to be on a team with friends and family or who want to get a Barn Team together.
To enter the Team Challenge, email Caren Caverly with the name of your team and the names of the members of your team. If you want to put a “scramble team” together on the show grounds, drop off the team names with the list of members at the office. The show office will take care of the rest!
2) Atlanta Saddlery Busiest Trainer Award - the trainer who brings the most students to the show! To enter, have your students list you (the trainer) as "coach" on their entry form. The Office will tally the results.
The winner will receive a trophy and a $50 gift certificate to Atlanta Saddlery.
3) Best Score Awards - see prize list for details
Good luck and happy riding!
Before closing date, fees will be refunded less the office fee. After closing date, all fees are unconditionally nonrefundable, regardless of circumstances, including inclement weather. No exceptions. Returned check & refused Credit Card policy: Void entry and incur a $35 charge. Entry will be wait listed until credit card clears, money order, certified check or cash is received. Do not mail cash.