HAVE YOUR GDCTA SCHOOLING SHOW RECOGNIZEDIf you are organizing a schooling show and wish to have it GDCTA Recognized (so riders can use the scores towards our year-end awards), submit the Recognition forms. Please review the other information and specifications/guidelines we have provided. For specific questions, email the show recognition POC. GDCTA recognizes non-USEF/USDF/USEA -sanctioned competitions in order for their results to apply toward GDCTA year-end awards. Results from USEF, USDF and/or USEA sanctioned (recognized) horse trials, shows, etc. are accepted towards GDCTA year-end awards. There is no requirement for these competitions to request GDCTA-recognition (i.e., no application or fee is required for results to count). Non-sanctioned Combined Training horse trials, Dressage schooling shows, etc., may request GDCTA recognition prior to the competition. Events meeting the GDCTA standards and for which recognition fees have been paid are classed as "GDCTA-Recognized". For non-sanctioned competitions to be GDCTA-Recognized the following must be provided by the event manager/secretary to the GDCTA Show Recognition POC prior to the event:
Upon receipt of all or some of above items (minimum is an application and check or online payment), the GDCTA Show Recognition POC returns a GDCTA Show Recognition Checklist to the requestor certifying the event as GDCTA-Recognized (all items provided) or GDCTA-Recognition Pending (application and payment have been received, but not all items provided). The completion of the online application forwards the basic event information to the GDCTA Newsletter Editor and Webmaster for inclusion in our Calendar of Events. If mailing your application, please forward the event info to to be included in the calendars. GDCTA-Recognition Pending events are reclassified as GDCTA-Recognized immediately upon receipt by the GDCTA Show Recognition POC of all “missing” items, provided they are received prior to the event. GDCTA-Recognition Pending events that do not provide all of the “missing” items prior to the event are reclassified Non-recognized. Events may advertise themselves as GDCTA-Recognized upon receipt of the signed GDCTA Show Recognition Checklist whether classed as GDCTA-Recognized or GDCTA-Recognition Pending. GDCTA understands that it is not always possible to complete all requirements prior to the application and strives to be accommodating and reasonable. Therefore, the Prize List, Entry form and/or Program may advertise the event as “GDCTA-Recognized” even though the event cannot meet all requirements until after one or more of those items are printed and received by the GDCTA Show Recognition POC. During the show, the competition manager agrees to:
The GDCTA Show Recognition POC does not “approve” show dates, nor ensure that shows on the same date are greater than some distance apart. The person requesting recognition must be a GDCTA member. The GDCTA reserves the right to send a representative to your show without notice to insure contractual compliance. FOR COMPETITION MANAGERS: | FOR MORE INFORMATION: Schooling Show Recognition POC: Carol Tresan (404) 786-4232 Dear GDCTA-recognized schooling show organizers:The GDCTA is offering your GDCTA-member volunteers an opportunity to participate in the Liz Faso Memorial Volunteers of the Year Award volunteer incentive program by volunteering AT YOUR SHOWS. The GDCTA-member volunteer with the most hours volunteered will win $1000.00, the one with the 2nd most hours will win $750.00, and the 3rd most hours will win $500.00. The remaining volunteers with a minimum of 24 hours will be put into a raffle for $250.00. We are offering this incentive to your show volunteers (we will determine if they are current members) for a $25.00 opt-in fee. That fee covers all your shows in the calendar year. You can pay for that in the Store or here. At the end of each show, you will send Caren Caverly ( by email your volunteers names and total number of hours worked on an excel sheet. GDCTA will promote your shows as participating in this program. If you are interested, let us know. Caren Caverly GDCTA President 770-713-4025 Buy-in fee can be paid online in the Store. Lisa Seger Insurance AA Medal ProgramAll GDCTA Schooling Show competitions are invited to participate. There is no cost to the competition to host the Lisa Seger Insurance Adult Amateur Medal Program class and no additional class to add. To host an LSI AA Medal class, check YES for the Lisa Seger Insurance Adult Amateur Medal Class question when requesting recognition for your schooling show. Also, designate the required Training Level Test 3 as the Lisa Seger Insurance Adult Amateur Medal class in the prize list. The Lisa Seger Insurance Adult Amateur Medal will be awarded to the highest scoring adult amateur who meets the eligibility requirements and has obtained a score of at least 60% in the designated class. Winners of the Lisa Seger Insurance AA Medal class will receive a medal with neck ribbon for each of the Lisa Seger Insurance AA Medal classes they win during the competition year. GDCTA will supply the medals. Eligibility for Lisa Seger Insurance Adult Amateur Medal Program
Lisa Seger Insurance Adult Amateur Medal Final Champion & Reserve Champion