Dressage4Kids TEAM Clinic and Atlanta Youth Festival. The competition - read a book and take a written test, ride one dressage test and one equitation class for overall winner! It’s awesome and UNIQUE!!!
Lendon Gray's Dressage4Kids TEAM (Training, Education and Mentoring) 2-day Clinic (Fri/Sat) and Atlanta Youth Festival. The Festival is a unique competition with a Saturday evening Kick-Off Dinner with Panel Discussion. Sunday's competition starts with a Written Test, One Dressage Test, and a group Equitation Class for an overall winner. Atlanta is proud to be the 3rd largest D4K Festival in the Country, after New York and Midwest!
Reading List - Have You Got Your Books Yet?
The Required Reading for Festival is as follows:
Required Reading : Show Info : D4K Festival : Dressage4Kids
Please keep in mind that the FEI age rule applies, which means that as of 1st January, the rider is considered whatever age he/she will reach during that calendar year. For example, if the rider turns 14 anytime during the year 2024, the rider is considered to be 14 for the competition and should read the required reading materials for age 14.
Ages 11 and Under
The United States Pony Club Manual of Horsemanship: D Level 2nd Edition by Susan E. Harris and Pony Club; Chapters 5-12, Pages 145-297
Ages 12-15
Dressage in Harmony: From Basic to Grand Prix by Walter Zettl; Chapters 2-6 and 9-11
Shoeing the Modern Horse by Steve Kraus; Chapters Introduction, 1, 2, 6, 7, 11
Ages 16-25
Dressage in Harmony: From Basic to Grand Prix by Walter Zettl Chapters 1-14
Shoeing the Modern Horse by Steve Kraus; entire book
(See Age Rule on Page 1 of the Prize List)
Many thanks to Trafalgar Square Books for offering a discount to Dressage4Kids! 25% off at www.TrafalgarBooks.com with code D4K2024
Contact: Liz Molloy missliz@taramiaridingschool.com
Also, volunteers are needed for all events. Register if you want to volunteer (and earn hours toward the Liz Faso Memorial Volunteer of the Year!) Sign up https://gdcta.wildapricot.org/Volunteer
Tickets are nonrefundable and are not eligible for voluntary refunds. However, the value of your ticket may be eligible to be applied toward the price of a ticket for another clinic. Riders will receive a refund if a replacement is found.