We have worked hard to keep this program afloat as the joy on the faces of those earning their jackets and patches is a highlight of the Gala every year. Just like any business or family, sometimes budgets are tight and sometimes we can make it rain money (not actually, but one can dream). With two years of not hosting the region 3 dressage championships, we have had to tighten the purse strings. A strict budget may not be fun, but it does ensure the longevity of the club and the many ways we try to enrich our Georgia horse community. We have long subsidized the recognized letterman program, but this year we can no longer absorb that cost. You will see a big jump in the price of the jackets, please know it is still not a profitable venture. This is a breakeven price. Turns out traditional letterman jackets are spendy. It is an absolute privilege for us to run this program and see our young equestrian athletes get recognized, and we hope to enjoy this program for years to come. We encourage our letterman athletes to get creative and earn some dollars to put towards their new jackets - bake sale, tack cleaning, mane pulling, arena mirror cleaning, etc. We will be happy to share their ventures to help spread the word.
Lindsey Burns
redheadlins@gmail.com / 208-861-2996