GDCTA member Sandra Carnet will be riding at the Oxer Farm ( Schooling Show on August 5 with judge Dana Ferguson (L) for TDF Century Club membership. Isn’t that inspiring?! GDCTA is excited to see Sandra and Tamara’s entry to the Club. We invite members to attend and cheer them on! Or leave a message in the comments and we’ll share that with Sandra. If you are there, share photos with us~
The Dressage Foundation Century Club
The Century Club recognizes dressage riders and horses whose combined ages total 100 years or more. Horse and rider perform a test of any level at a show (schooling or recognized) or event and are scored by a dressage judge or professional. The Dressage Foundation (TDF) will send a beautiful black and gold ribbon to be presented to the team at the show. Following the ride, TDF sends a Century Club plaque to the new team. TDF's Century Club is sponsored by Platinum Performance.
PC: Jean Carnet